Wednesday 15 June 2011

CPD23: will you?

Back in January, I had a nice talk to myself and decided to stick to the following rule for the first half of 2011: don't turn myself down and don’t prevent me from doing things. This is mainly why I now find myself running like a hamster in a wheel to keep everthing going...but feeling more alive than ever. When I was asked to be part of the CPD23 organising team, I said "yes" without even knowing what a 23 Things programme was.

To understand how it works, I read all about the first 23 Things programme organised in Cambridge last year - which I missed out completely - and I also discovered that they were planning to run a Cam23 2.0 in 2011. I decided I would take part and patiently waited for the Summer to arrive. This programme, covering social media tools for Cambridge librarians, will start next Monday, so we are nearly there.

In the meantime, I got more and more involved with organising the CPD23 programme, which mixes social media "things" with careers and professional development "things", and therefore adds a different twist to the whole story. The sign-up form was made live in the last week of May, and we have already reached a stellar number of 260 participants. We have people signing up from the all over the world (US, Australia, Thailand...); the buzz on twitter (@cpd23) has been quite "noisy" so far; we have been invited to talk to the Nebraska Library Commission (if you want to hear Niamh and Charlotte going live on Wednesday 22nd June, sign up and tune in - it’s free); and we had a guest blog post on the CILIP Update blog.

Can I miss out on this? Of course not! It's too cool, too interesting and, above all, a great chance to get in touch with all this amazing library bloggers out there, share ideas and learn from each other. There are also three bloggers from Italy, and I can't wait to find out more about them.

So, I signed up and from next Monday 20th June I will be taking part in CPD23 too.

Want to do the same? Go to CPD23 and find out how to sign up. See you there!

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